Imbolc 2025

Organized by Fern and Ryan

Please join Whatcom Pagans at the Center for Spiritual Living on February 8th for Imbolc. Doors at 5pm, with ritual at 5:30pm.
At the beginning of the event, we will be handing out tea candles for the participation portion of the ritual. We will be doing a celebration of the world reawakening and honoring the goddess Brigid.

The Potluck will start after the ritual around 6pm.

We will be collecting donations for the Bellingham Food bank so please bring non-perishable donations that are well before their expiration. We also encourage a $10 donation to the CSL, but no one is ever turned away for lack of funds.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Samhain 2024

Samhain 2024
Sacred Journey into the Dark

Please join Whatcom Pagans at the Center for Spiritual Living on November 9th as we honor our loved ones and ancestors. Doors at 3:30pm, with ritual at 5:00pm. We will journey from the sanctuary into the woods to meet gods and goddesses who will gift us with spiritual tools for our paths. Dress warmly for the journey!

Please bring mementos of your beloved dead for our community altar. We will have a finger food feasting before our journey begins, so please bring a dish or a beverage to share.

As always, we will be collecting donations for the Bellingham Food bank so please bring non-perishable donations. We also encourage a $10 donation to the CSL, but no one is ever turned away for lack of funds.

We look forward to seeing you there! Blessings


Mabon 2024

The Unity of Constancy and Change

We invite you to join us at the Center for Spiritual Living in Bellingham on Sept. 21st, for our Mabon Celebration!

Doors will open at 4:30pm and Ritual will begin at 5:30pm, with a potluck to follow. Please bring autumn harvest items for our ritual baskets and a potluck dish to share with the community.
A $5-$10 donation is appreciated for our use of the CSL, but no one is ever turned away for lack of funds. We will also be collecting non-perishable food donations for the food bank.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Celebration of Midsummer

A blue Egyptian lotus on a tranquil pond.

Hello everyone, come join Whatcom Pagans, for our Celebration of Midsummer on June 15th at the Center for Spiritual Living. Join us in celebrating the birth of the children of Geb and Nut in Ritual and Feast. Doors open at 3pm and the ritual starts at 4pm with the potluck following.

Please bring your non-perishable food donations to the food bank, as well as a donation of $10 for the use of the CSL (no one is turned away for lack of funds.) We ask that people bring their own utensils and plates. We will have a free table this time so please feel free to bring things you’d like to pass along to others. 

Ostara March 16

Hello friends! 

We invite you to join us at the Center for Spiritual Living in Bellingham on March 16th to celebrate Ostara, the coming of Spring! For this Spring rite we will work together to give life to a spirit of new growth and possibilities. Doors will open at 2:30pm and ritual will begin at 4pm, with a potluck to follow. 

Please bring any non-perishable donations you have for the food bank, as well as a $10 donation for our use of the CSL (though no one is ever turned away for lack of funds). Please also bring and flowers you would like to contribute to the construction of our flower goddess.

We hope to see you there to welcome in the Spring!

Whatcom Pagans Annual Planning Meeting

Wheel of the Year 2024

Greetings everyone!

It is that time of year again to come together and plan out our Wheel of the Year for 2024.

If you want to put on one of our Sabbat celebrations or just want to help out, please attend the meeting.

Sunday, November 19th


Zen Den at Elaine and Lee’s

Contact Elaine for directions; DM or

2023 was a great year for WP ritual. Let’s do it again in 2024!

Hope to see you there!